Male Infertility Treatments

Male Infertility Treatments

Emergency Cases

+91 7876767686

Opening Hours

  • Monday:
    01:00 pm - 02.30 pm
    06:30 pm - 08.30 pm
  • Tuesday:
    01:00 pm - 02.30 pm
    06:30 pm - 08.30 pm
  • Wednesday:
    01:00 pm - 02.30 pm
    06:30 pm - 08.30 pm
  • Thursday:
    01:00 pm - 02.30 pm
    06:30 pm - 08.30 pm
  • Friday:
    01:00 pm - 02.30 pm
    06:30 pm - 08.30 pm
  • Saturday:
    01:00 pm - 02.30 pm
    06:30 pm - 08.30 pm

Meet Our Doctor

Dr Amit Kundu

MBBS, MS, MCh-Urology, Urologist, Andrologist
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Male infertility can be a challenging issue for couples trying to conceive. Fortunately, there are various treatments available to address this concern and improve the chances of successful conception. One of the primary approaches to male infertility treatment involves identifying and addressing underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to the problem.

In cases where hormonal imbalances are a factor, hormone therapy may be recommended to restore normal hormone levels and improve sperm production. Additionally, if a blockage or other structural issue is preventing the release of sperm, surgical procedures such as vasectomy reversal or sperm retrieval techniques may be performed to restore fertility.

Another common treatment for male infertility is assisted reproductive technologies (ART), which include procedures such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF). These techniques involve collecting sperm samples and directly inserting them into the female partner’s reproductive tract or fertilizing eggs outside the body before transferring them to the uterus.

Lifestyle modifications, such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight, and managing stress, can also play a crucial role in improving male fertility. In some cases, dietary supplements or alternative therapies may be recommended to enhance sperm quality and motility.

It’s important for couples struggling with male infertility to seek guidance from a qualified healthcare provider specializing in reproductive medicine. Through a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan, many couples can overcome male infertility and fulfill their dream of starting a family.